Teacher & Staff Favorites
Click on the teacher or staff member’s name listed below to view their birthday and a list of their favorite things!
- Mrs. Adams
- Mrs. Aguayo
- Mrs. Arbeiter
- Mrs. Badillo
- Mrs. Bailey
- Mrs. Balog
- Mrs. Barroso
- Mr. Barroso
- Mrs. Bastin
- Mrs. Bell
- Mrs. Breen
- Mr. Broady
- Mrs. Butler
- Mr. Butler
- Mr. Calkins
- Mrs. Caple
- Mr. Coco
- Mrs. Coleman
- Ms. Coppes
- Mrs. Coppes
- Ms. Cornett
- Mrs. Daniels
- Mrs. Fenech
- Mrs. Florez
- Ms. Garcia
- Mrs. Garner
- Ms. Gourdine
- Mrs. Griner